Thursday, October 22, 2009

About the presentations - Homework 7

This is our presentation slides!

It is a bit embarrassing...

All of your presentations today were really interesting.
I was impressed by those colourful and beautiful pictures/videos!

I could learn about much I didn't know from the Dogeza presentation. Also, the video put there was sooo funny! :D

I enjoyed the presentation about songs reflecting culture, too. I could know many songs from various countries! And I thought using photos of landmarks was good by looking their slides 'cause then we can know other things in the countries than songs and it's more interesting.

The presentation about home towns was interesting because I don't know much about the other prefectures' sightseeing spots (or dating spots?) well and I could know little about them. They were good introductions and I think using video which is explaining those places was also good idea.


  1. actually I really love your presentation;) so dramatic, unique and prestigious;)

  2. Hi, Sawako. Thank you for your comment.
    Yes, I do like my home town and your presentation, too. My group had trouble making a story. Your story was really admirable to me.

  3. Hey!!
    I am sorry to absent this class.

    i love those picture and cannot delete...
    let's post on the facebook!!←Joke
